Thursday 29 January 2015

An aunts love

now this blog is meant to be about my adventures as a mummy but I'm starting it how I started, as an aunt.

My sister was young and in a new relationship when she got pregnant so the news wasn't met by a happy reception by all, but I was excited! As one of the youngest in my family I had never been around babies much.

I doted on my nephew, begged to babysit, spent all my spare cash on him, and faught off competition to make his first birthday cake (the first decorated cake I ever made).

9 years later I have three gorgeus nephews and their dad is in a new relationship that's led to one step and one half brother for my nephews.

I still love spending time with them, wish I could spend more money on them, and make their birthday cakes. I don't get to spend as much as I want to with them. My sister has shared custody.

The phrase "it takes a villiage to raise a child" comes to mind here. When I was pregnant with my first child I honestly worried (a lot) I wouodnt love my child as much as I did my nephew. I'm there anytime I'm needed for my nephews and in extension my sister. Yes you got that right, I help my sister a lot but only because she's the mother to my nephews.

And tonight is one of those nights. I Put my plans with my family aside to be at my nephews dads house. Their soon to be step mum is in hospital having their soon to be half brother. I'm excited for them and enjoyed the opportunity to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight.

Am I alone in this passion for my nephews? Any other super aunts out there?